What are the reflections of your life?

What are the reflections of your life?

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A checklist to help you reflect and meditate 🧘‍♀️🧘🏽‍♂️

Your inner eyes are open, and you can see Truth everywhere.

You are grateful for every single thing in your life, you are always happy.

You never worry with conviction that everything goes according to nature’s flow.

You are energetic because you don’t have cluttered thoughts.

You enjoy everything and do your best, so the results are flourishing.

You have a big mind, so you adjust to situations instead of blaming them.

You love yourself and respect others, you know the value of existence.

You have no inferiority complex, so you don’t brag about yourself or pretend.

You are free from conceptions of good and evil, right and wrong, gain and loss.

Whoever you are with is delightful.

Wherever you are is like in heaven on earth.

You belong nowhere, therefore you can belong anywhere.

You just live today and leave no regrets.

You are not bound to life since you know there is no death.

You are wise enough not to stand on the false self and abandon it tirelessly.

You live a life of Truth, by Truth, for Truth. 😊🙏

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