Meditation is the Best Medicine

Meditation is the Best Medicine

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I’m so grateful to have come across this clearing of the mind. I was so hopeful in life with low self-esteem, frustration, and too much anger. What a concoction??

My life was in danger until I came across this meditation method, which I did very honestly and committed to because I did understand myself and hoped to see life changes through one year of meditation.

I saw a lot of changes in my life. I changed from being a short temper to a soft heart, from stress and burden to free and loving. I cast out all my false minds to real life with dignity.

This process is not an overnight thing, but as time goes on, you will change and live a happy life and focus. I’m so glad to be so loving and beautiful. My face has changed its complexion and my health. I am so normal except for some medicine.

This meditation is so excellent and curable. Most of my sicknesses are cured without doctors’ consultations. Meditation heals me by itself, indeed

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