What is the best way to stay healthy?

What is the best way to stay healthy?

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I’m happy that I could share the answer to this question.

The best thing that we can do first for staying healthy is
“Identify our minds and cleanse them.”

I did it through meditation.

Someone might think ‘I’m talking about the physical thing, not the mind.’

But through meditation, I realized the body is a reflection of the mind. the body and mind are closely related. When your mind change, your body also changes.

let me share my story,

I had scoliosis and round shoulders since I was young. But I didn’t like to do exercise and to move. Another bad habit was, that it was difficult for me to control my eating. Even though I was full I used to keep eating.

Meditation helps me to change my body and to fix the fundamental cause of illness and habit. What I did through meditation was look back at my lived life and cleanse the rooted of my mind.

I used to think that I didn’t want to move because I was just lazy. But through meditation, I realized fundamental reasons are from my mind. It’s because there were so many thoughts within me. Those thoughts kept me from taking action. Also, this thought pattern made the habit of procrastination. Thus, there were few results. This repeated loop made me feel frustrated. I easily lost my confidence. This kind of mindset resulted in more scoliosis and round shoulders.

I start to discard the mind. The mind that caused failure, frustration, and lethargy in my lived life. ex.The moments about study, relationships, work etc.

As I discarded the cause of mind, my body has changed.

First, my face changed. My facial expression used to be gloomy, but it has become relaxed and bright.

Second, body circulation has improved. My bent body gets more straightened naturally.

Also, overeating habits also changed. I used to overeat to relieve my unsatisfied and stressful mind. When I cleansed boiling thoughts which are stress, the obsession to eat also gradually disappeared.

As boiling thoughts disappear, it became easier to take action. Nowadays, I exercise and eat with balance daily!

The cause of illness and body habits is from the mind. If you cleanse your mind, you will experience a tremendous change in your body. If you want to know more about how to stay healthy, plz refer to below.🌱

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