Why do most people never manage to change their life?

Why do most people never manage to change their life?

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Having been someone who felt completely trapped inside of myself, and repeating the same mistakes over, and over, and over, and over again, (and over, and over, and over!) I feel I am an expert in this!

I say “having been” – because thankfully I’ve finally changed – I remember crying about the fact I just couldn’t change!

“Today I’m NOT going to get angry – no matter what!”

“Today I’m NOT going to get carried away with food”

“Today I’m NOT going to think negatively”

On and on and on. On loop. I could NEVER change.

And it was because of everything I had in my mind, from the way I lived, which made me the way I was.

I’m going for the tough love approach here, so if it stings it’s supposed to spark you into action <3


And you know what I did? To whoever is reading this – I did exactly what you’re doing. Asking everyone else how I can change, trying to read books, trying to watch movies, trying all of these different things to add a new way of being so I could try and change.

How come other people were successful but not me? How come other people could stay healthy, happy and fit but not me?

Fact is, they had developed better habits than me, and just like me, their habits were on loop too, but they were just positive.

But the truth of the matter is this – you need to UNBECOME who you thought you were if you want to change.


Go and meditate. Go and reflect. Go and repent to the Universe. Accept your flaws. Accept yourself. Accept where you are. Then let it go. Then discard it. Then eliminate it.

Go to a meditation centre that teaches the method of self rection and discarding and change from the inside out so you can take responsibility for who you are and become who you want to become.

The reason why people can’t change is because they’re looking for some kind of magical solution out there, when all along who you’ve always wanted to be is within you, it’s just been covered up by your past.


Because how long are you going to try add things in to your mind and read self improvement books and get high on the idea of changing only to realize you keep repeating the same crap over and over again?

Really – how long?

Be honest with yourself. If it was working, you wouldn’t be here searching. You could just go to YouTube, click on 1 of the 10,000’s of clickbait videos with their promises of quick fixes and it’s problem solved.

But you’ve tried all of that, haven’t you?

Just think about it logically – you’ve tried adding a solution into your mind, how about taking out the problem from your mind instead? Once you take it out, it isn’t on autoplay, and you take control, and then you can change!


People can’t change because they’re slaves to their mind, slaves to their habits. Their mind is dead and has no life. If you can’t change, are you truly alive or are you dead just living the same crap over and over?

Isn’t it time you become the master?

Stop being DEAD inside of your mind and LIVE.

To put it simple, people can’t change their life because their mind determines their destiny. So change your mind, to change your life, and change your destiny.

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