I am 24 and I have wasted my life.

I am 24 and I have wasted my life.

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I am 24 and I have wasted my life. Is it too late to still make something about it?


It doesn’t matter whether or not you’ve wasted your life. It’s all in the past now, and it doesn’t exist. What is important is that you are here right now. Whether you are 50, 70, or even 100 years old, now is a great time to start something new.

When I turned 50, I thought I would soon be freed from all the responsibilities that I have, but then someone told me that I’m only halfway through life. I was shocked – I doubt you’ll understand how shocked I was. 😳😱😳

Then I thought about it, and realized it was true. Somehow, with my perceptions about age, I had expected to be finished by 50. I didn’t think I would need to learn anything new, because I was already comfortable with everything going on, but then I started to have a different perspective about everything “new”. Even with new technology – I didn’t want to learn about it because I didn’t think I would have to use it for that many years, even if I learned it now. However, when I realized that not knowing would make the next 50 years extremely inconvenient, I suddenly had a reason to learn quickly, although it might be difficult.

Now I feel like I’m at the startling line again – The remaining 50 years is not just an extension of my life lived until now. I’m starting from 51 as if I’m 1 again. With this mindset, you will be prepared for the next 70 years, at least! 😊😍😊

There are many new things that you will have to learn about.

It might feel scary to start over again, but until we die, every time is the first time, for all of us. Even if someone else seems to be older, more mature, or more successful than you are, their mind is the same. It would be nice if we could understand that about each other.

New parents don’t know how to raise their children, because it’s their first time. New teachers don’t know how to teach their students because it’s their first time. New bosses don’t know how to deal with their subordinates yet because it’s their first time, and I haven’t become a grandparent yet, but even that would feel awkward in the beginning because it would be the first time.

Frankly, as you age, you may have more wrinkles on your face, but your mind doesn’t change much from when you were young. People always think, speak, and act the same way according to what was already determined by their minds. So even though it feels like tomorrow’s going to be different, after a while, you will see that their results always end up the same.

However, the owner of this body is your mind, so when you discard the mind of illusion which does not exist, and change to the mind of the universe that always exists, the mind of the world, your life will change. You will live right here, in this moment, with no past to regret and no future to worry about.

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