What’s the best life lesson you’ve ever learned from a fictional character?

What's the best life lesson you've ever learned from a fictional character?

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  1. Your skill doesn’t improve consistently but in steps. And when people hit a wall, they want to give up. Once they get past this corner, they’ll improve exponentially but they don’t realize it. Why not? Because they think this – will last forever.


  1. Did you enjoy ballet or the compliments? If you liked the compliments, you can quit. But if you liked ballet, think it over again.

The above is from the character, Na Hee-Do in the series Twenty-Five Twenty-One. It came randomly in a time of need. In episode 7, this scene unfolded where Na Hee-Do was talking to her daughter who had quit ballet because she thought she wasn’t improving in ballet.

This scene struck a chord that made me self-reflect:

  • How many times did I think my skills will improve smoothly, without bumps, in an upward curve?
  • How many times did I give up because I thought the stumbling block seemed to last a long time?
  • And how many times did I chase compliments instead of just doing the work to learn?

The answers were – pretty much a lot of times. So, with this wake-up call, I decided to take action by:

  1. Penning down all the blockages in a journal

I reflected on myself and wrote down all the things that made me give up on learning a skill – in this case, learning Unity (a development platform). I was surprised to find a lot of things e.g. impatience, unrealistic expectations, unwillingness to sacrifice time and effort to learn and complacency. I was also surprised to realize just how much I’ve over-relied on compliments to keep me going.


  1. Discarding the blockages through meditation

The meditation that I do is very effective in cleansing away the blockages that made me give up. After discarding for a while, I realized it created space within that allows me to just learn what I want to learn. Also I now enjoy learning – which is very cool. 😊

  1. Resuming learning

Finally, I’ve resumed learning Unity – this time in a more structured approach by patiently going through the tutorials step by step, in the order that is laid out. I’m excited to see how this will turn out by year end. 😊

Thank you so much Na Hee-Do for your wisdom. I’m very grateful. 💛 And thank you journal and meditation for making it possible to act on these lessons and make them into reality.

I hope this helps you too. Thanks so much for reading! 😊

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