What can I do for a healthy skin?

What can I do for a healthy skin?

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If I use good cosmetics, will I have healthy and beautiful skin? Can healthy skin be inherited? To these questions, I will answer ‘partially correct’. And today I want to talk about how to have healthy skin, from a slightly different perspective. It is about ‘Mind’.

Actually, I don’t have beautiful skin. But I am satisfied with my skin now. Because I used to have very bad skin disease before. I have suffered from severe Atopic Eczema since birth. The symptoms of this disease are as follows: it is a disease in which one destroys one’s own skin by painful itching in a particular or most parts of the body. My symptoms became worse especially at night, and when I awoke in the morning, I used to blame myself for finding blood and wounds all over my body. During the summer, I was rarely able to wear sleeveless shirts or shorts. If you consider only mosquito bites, itching cannot be tolerated or totally eliminated. You have to scratch it eventually.

So, there is no cure for this skin disease other than to heal the wound. You can get medicines to relieve itching, but they are poisonous and not good for your body in the long run.

All my life I have been fighting skin diseases, and I have studied a lot about how to make my skin healthy. I tried many things using my body as an experimental tool. Ultimately, I was able to conquer this disease on my own. I was told that I would have this disease for the rest of my life by all of my doctors, but it has since disappeared and I have healthy skin now. So, I am able to speak confidently about the secret method I found out.

  1. Follow the nature’s flow.

Try to avoid artificial things as much as possible, and the closer you are to nature the better. The skin is the largest organ in our body. They are very sensitive and are affected by the external environment a lot. Having contact with clean water, air and earth is important. It is also important to exercise moderately so that sweat can be expelled from the skin and it can breathe.

  1. Find and solve the underlying problem.

The most fundamental thing is the ‘mind’. Although yoga, vegetarianism, earthing, etc., clearly improved my skin, when it came down to it, meditation was the key to healing each ailment. Body and mind are one. The majority of diseases and illnesses in the body originate from emotional toxins accumulating in the mind.

Thus, treating only the body while separating the body and mind will not bring about fundamental cures. Reflecting on myself, I realized my mind was over-protective and incredibly sensitive. When such hypersensitivity was exposed on the skin, it caused an allergic reaction- itching.

So I eliminated this mind through meditation method. The skin disease started to get better. After I stopped scratching, my skin became healthier, and the scars on my body began to fade. Now people who meet me for the first time don’t even notice that I have had a skin disease. Rather, there are people who say that they are envious of my healthy skin!

Everyone strives to have beautiful and healthy skin. It is important to understand that a healthy mind makes a healthy body. With the money you invest in clinical treatments or good cosmetics, you can achieve even better results with meditation.

The benefits of meditation for me were not just for having healthy skin, but also for having a healthy body and mind. That’s why I always recommend meditation to those who suffer from physical and mental illnesses. This is not an immediate fix, but I feel it’s a more natural way to gradually resolve the underlying problem.

It is my hope that many of you reading this can also deal with many problems in life through meditation and live as beautiful as you are!

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