What should I do to overcome the feeling of lineliness?

What should I do to overcome the feeling of lineliness?

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When I was 25, I backpacked around Europe. One of my favourite places was Cinque Terre in Italy.

It is made up of 5 villages along the coastline (The Five Lands). These villages have been there for centuries, each with their own charm and unique character. There is no road connecting the villages so you cannot drive into them, which makes it more special. For a long time, the only way to get to the next village was to walk along the coast through the vineyards.

For 3 nights I stayed in Corniglia, a small village perched upon the clifftop overlooking the sea. In the mornings I was woken by the church bells and during the day I walked through the vineyards, eating grapes and swimming in the sea.

It was a real luxury staying in a small village with alleyways and quaint little shops that had been there for hundreds of years. There was the little grocery store that was open between 8am-11am, then closed for siesta for 5 hours, before re-opening from 4-7pm. Life was like it had been since the olden times.

One night I remember walking home to my hostel from visiting backpacker friends in the neighbouring village. I had to climb hundreds of steps to reach the village at the top of the cliff. It was dark, however the moonlight showed me the way.

Step by step I climbed to the top.

However, as I was going up, a feeling came over me.

I felt so alone.

The loneliness was so much, it was painful and I even felt scared.

Why did I feel so alone?

The church bells woke me up the next day and I had a great walk between the villages and vineyards. However, the feeling of loneliness was there. I was in paradise, surrounded by breathtaking scenery. So, why did I feel like this?

Even though I was in paradise, I wasn’t really in Paradise.

I was in my own mind.

Through meditation I realised why I felt so alone.

It is because I am living inside my own mind world.

In the Bible it says, Heaven is within you.

In the Quran it says, Paradise is within you.

In the Buddhist Sutras it says, The Land of Bliss is within you.

The way to stop feeling alone is to discard my own mind and recover our original true mind within. Our true mind is Heaven and Paradise where there is no pain, burden, stress or doubts.

This is achievable through meditation.

If I went back to Cinque Terre today, I could enjoy it more because I would be more present and aware of the world (and other people) around me which in turn would make me feel connected, alive and fulfilled.

I would be able to appreciate this amazing world while having a more memorable experience.

Heaven does not exist someplace far away, but within man – within his mind

Thank you for reading. I hope the video below helps you.

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