What is the best way to improve one’s communication skills and build up confidence?

What is the best way to improve one's communication skills and build up confidence?

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Hello, It’s been a while since I responded to the amazing questions that come in every day. But, don’t get me wrong, I was still popping in and reading various responses to various questions. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and helpful writings, which have always made our lives easier and more enjoyable.

Back to the question, what is the best way to boost one’s communication skills and confidence?

Allow me to self-reflect by sharing my experience and then respond to your question.

First, looking back on my life, I had little confidence and was unable to communicate effectively. I always hid behind others, relying on them. When I spoke in public, I was not confident enough; my heart rate increased, I sweated, and I occasionally forgot what to say, no matter how much I prepared, I’ve never been good at public speaking. In addition, I struggled to have one-on-one conversations with others too because I was not compassionate toward others. Thus I never allowed others to share their opinions. I spoke very fast and my words were not clear enough for others to understand. I was an extremely insecure person who lacked confidence.

I was jealous, critical, blamed others, gloomy, overprotective of myself, pretended to know-it-all all, hid my shortcomings, and was terrified of changes. And I struggled to focus on numerous things because of constant negative thoughts in my mind. I was very stressed and anxious all the time.

I tried different remedies to calm my mind; I joined psychology classes, read motivational books, and took part in a variety of workshops and seminars. Still, that didn’t help in the long run.

After spending many years trying to find a solution to my difficulties, I joined meditation. I once heard that everyone can find a solution to their problems within themselves. This statement hit a chord with me, and I became really curious to learn how I might solve my problems on an inside level through Meditation.

How did meditation help me to communicate well and build my confidence level?

When I meditated and let go of all the thoughts that made me believe I wasn’t doing well, that I wasn’t good enough, that it was difficult, that he/they were laughing at me, that they were better than I, that I should have prepared more… the list goes on. These are the things I’ve accumulated throughout my life, and they kept repeating in my mind. I couldn’t take action because my mind was too preoccupied with negative thoughts. I spent more time worrying about the future or other people and was unable to complete the work at hand. So when I meditated and clear these minds, I felt very light, and the popping thoughts subsided. Meditation has provided me with wisdom on how to communicate effectively with others and gain true confidence.

“Skills Come From Consistent And Deliberate Practice” – Shawn Allen.

Because we live in the AI era, we have access to a wealth of free information and knowledge. We can learn, become better and succeed in whatever we want to do. However, if your mind is complicated and not steady/clear enough, it is difficult to take action and use the available resources around us. The most important thing is to cleanse your mind, and then your life will change.

Every day, I work to improve my confidence and communication skills. I’m not as hard on myself anymore because I know I have enough room to grow. I’m not afraid to make mistakes like before. Mistakes are a necessary part of my development. This is nature’s flow. Let us embrace our lives and accept ourselves as individuals and as a whole.

I would like to share wise words from my Meditation Teacher;-

Always speak from your heart,

Always speak in a way that benefits the listener,

Always speak from the listener’s point of view,

Always think before you speak.

I would also like to show you a video about how to communicate effectively with others. Please enjoy 🙂

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