How do I get motivated every single day?

How do I get motivated every single day?

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I was quite a lazy person and impatient. I also had trouble being motivated. But I found a way to keep motivating myself.

In the past, to keep my motivation,

I used to read self-help books and watch many motivating videos about success stories. And I tried to copy their behaviors and habits. I was inspired by it at that moment, but it wasn’t enough to change my habitual, old routine continuously.

By meditating, I was able to discover why I am not constant and could eliminate those reasons. It wasn’t that I am not passionate. My lack of motivation and consistency was due to the mind I had.

Did you ever take the time to examine your mind deeply?

To be motivated, take a moment to reflect on your mind. I did 2 steps through meditation.

  1. Understand the causes.
    Take your time to look back at your mind honestly. Through this process, you can discover the obstructive mind that makes you unmotivated.
  2. Remove the cause.
    After understanding the reason, then it is much easy to fix it. You can eliminate the cause of the mind. If you discard the negative minds that make you give up, you can be free from the hindrance that has not motivated you.

When I looked back on myself, there were so many things within me. For instance, the mind of pressure, the mind that I need to do well, the competitive spirit, concerns about how others saw me, etc. So I discarded them diligently.

As doing so, gradually, my nervousness and impatience disappeared. My mind became much more comfortable. As my mind became lighter, it became much easier to continue and accomplish things that I do.

When your mind is lighter, it will be easier to maintain constant motivation. If you want to know how to stay motivated in your mind, plz refer to the below🌱


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