What are the best habits for a better day?

What are the best habits for a better day?

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My best days, which would be the most productive and joyful days, I do the following and in this order:

  1. Start with gratitude – reflect on what I was grateful for the day before


  1. Warm water –it kick starts the digestive system


  1. Exercise – whether that’s a walk or the gym, it increases the blood flow


  1. Plan out the day in my journal – minimize wasted thinking throughout the day


  1. Meditate – keep the mind clear and reflect on how I can improve



  1. Eat my first of 2 meals around noon – keep the food vegetable based


  1. Clean as I go – don’t let mess build up, and just tidy things up as I use them


  1. Do something out of my comfort zone –this usually comes in the form of some kind of social media post or video


  1. End with gratitude – write in my diary what I was grateful for, ready to read for the morning

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