How’s your relationship with your parents?

How's your relationship with your parents?

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Right now, at its best. ❤️

From ungrateful to more gratitude.

From yelling at my mom when things don’t go my way to calmer conversations without yelling.

From being rude to better appreciation.

From very little communication to clearer, more frequent communication.

From feeling distant to feeling closer to one another even though we live in different cities.

We understand one another a lot better now.

We laugh with each other a lot more too. 😊

And when we’re together physically, at random, I give her a hug just because I can. 😃

My relationship with mom was never this good.

As a child, I’ve always thought mom was stricter and harder to connect with emotionally compared to dad.

As a teenager, at the time of my parents’ separation and when she had to work hard to raise 3 kids, that was when I hurt her feelings the most by saying things like “why do you even care?”

As an adult, I never made time for her. And I don’t say thank you or I love you.

So, what changed?

We both started meditation.

Just by releasing accumulated stress and expectations from our minds through meditation – led to a closer relationship over the years.

And through meditation, I realized, just how little I knew of her.

I’ve never noticed that her energy levels are highest in the mornings and therefore she’s most talkative then. Or how much she quiets down and don’t really want to decide on anything when she is tired.

As the years pass, I finally could see that there are so many habits that we have in common. For example, in any situation, our initial reaction is to panic and get anxious. We think a lot. We stay in our comfort zone a lot.

With deeper introspection too, I can now see that some of the previous friction between us was due to my own habit of constantly criticizing and finding flaws of those closest to me. I have such an inferior mind.

And that’s where the beauty of meditation comes in.

As we meditate, we continue to discover more things about ourselves and each other. And regardless of what we find, we can just discard our negative minds and habits through the meditation.

Relationship with mommy is really good.

I am grateful. ❤️😊💛

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