How do I become mentally strong?

How do I become mentally strong?

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Mentally strong means
we could say ‘A person is acceptable no matter what circumstances she or he faces’.

A strong mentality hard to become just because you learn and force yourself to change. But it depends on how free you are from your frame and your thoughts. Be a person without a frame of oneself. If you have a strong frame and standard within, it’s hard to accept things that are different from mine.

“This is right, this is wrong”, “it is good, it is bad.” “It fits or it does not fit”…

With a strong standard, you can have a lot of dissatisfaction and stress and eventually be vulnerable mentally.

I’m not suggesting you should force yourself to change your mind bigger. It can not. Because the mind is controlled by your negative, fixed thoughts.

But when your mind is discarded, you can be free from your mind. As much as your mind becomes clearer, you can see things from the perspective of the world. And fixed thoughts can be disappear. Naturally, your mind becomes bigger and can become mentally strong.

Through meditation, you can reflect on yourself and can cleanse your hidden mind. When all the conceptions, fixed thoughts, and negative minds disappear, you can become happy and free from stress. So you can be acceptable so you be strong mentally. If you want to have healthy and strong mental, plz refer to below.🌱

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