How do I get over fear of failure when trying to get work done?

How do I get over fear of failure when trying to get work done?

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When I was at a student, I had hard time to concentrate and do my assignments well especially group projects. I did know what to do but i had no confidence at all and my concentration span was very low because of the continuous and repetitive thoughts and worries in my mind. I couldn’t control or stop my worries. I had a lot of questions such as; Am doing it right? What if I fail? how will my colleague perceive me? will they like me? What if I fail them?

My worries were very negative and I could not focus at all. Sometimes I had this feeling of despair and felt like giving up. The worst thing is, I have always believed my worries, that they might happened. But they never happened… In spite of that, I still worried.

One day I came across this place where they teach meditation and I enroll and begin to meditate. My meditation instructor gave me the method of throwing away the human mind which consist of karma(life lived) , habits and body. Because of the human mind, that is why i had all these worries and could not concentrate well in any task especially at school.

After meditating thoroughly and sincerely for a while, I realized that these worries were false and they were just experience of my past events. I was relieved and my worries were all gone. Therefore I can know concentrate well on a single task, do it well without any mental hindrance, work sincerely and well with others without worries.

So I will share a short video that will help you understand more about how meditation can help you to overcome worries and fear of failure.

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