How can I manage mania?

How can I manage mania?

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How can I manage mania? I feel like I’m getting into a manic episode. I’m taking my medications but what can I do more? I cannot sleep.

 Well done on being able to recognize your mood going up. I think you are self-aware. I recommend the following tips having experienced several episodes:

Movement / Exercise

Moving the body. Exercise can help tire out the body. I’m not sure if you’re working or not. However, having a physical job where you are moving your body could be good for you. Sitting down too much is not good because the thoughts build up in the head a lot. If you spend a lot of time on the computer, try moving your body every 20 minutes by getting up and doing something, like cleaning dishes or getting some fresh air.

Reduce Caffeine

Cut back on the caffeine. Caffeine can have a big impact on our mood and effects our ups and downs in a big way. Instead of having another coffee, try tea or juice as a replacement.


Having something to do keeps the mind occupied. I have found that working and having a regular job is actually a good thing. Having too much down time isn’t. If you’re not working, try making a schedule for your day. For example:

  • Morning – sing, dance, creative outlet
  • Afternoon – look for job online
  • Evening – study / learning something new

Wake up at the same time each day so that your sleep pattern is the same (having a sleep-in sometimes is probably okay 😉).

Spiritual Connection

Do you have a spiritual connection?

Meditation or prayer could really help.

Belief in God or some other form of higher self can take the attention away from thinking about myself all the time.

I have found when I discard images of myself from my mind I find great freedom.

I have worked a lot on my past episodes and have released a lot of fear from within myself through meditation. This has given me great relief and I believe it has prevented future episodes from happening. I can sleep much better now.

Finding a method where you can let go of all the negative emotions that you experienced during the episode can help immensely.


As Robert G answered, you should see your doctor. A good doctor can help a lot. I take my meds at night time and they help me get to sleep. They have a sedating effect that makes me tired. I have written an article on alternative ways to fall asleep which can be read here

Feel free to message me on Quora or email if you just want to chat about it.

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