What do you value most in your life and why?

What do you value most in your life and why?

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I want to talk about the five values that made me who I am now, which are health, mental growth, curiosity, communication, and gratitude.

It all started with health.
I was born unhealthy and spent my childhood longing for healthiness.
Such conditions have created a value system that runs through my entire life.
When the body is sick, I become obsessed with the body, but also on the other hand, the obsession is separate from the body which is material.
Since childhood, I have always wondered what happens when this body dies.
Though it made me weak, but saved me from death, I wondered where that existence which is called God would be.

So I started to search, and in the process, I naturally became interested in the world of the mind. Thus, the value of mental growth was an important part of life. I learned that the mind can also mature in the process of overcoming the pain that originated in the body. Every moment is a fight with myself.
And I knew that even the greatest fear of death was just an obstacle to overcome. It was a simple truth, but I realized that I had to meditate, exercise, and take care of me. I learned that everything starts in my mind, and that when my mind is okay, my body is also okay. After a long and difficult fight, I have achieved good health with my own strength.
Even now, the value of mental growth is the most important. I want to continue to grow in the future.

The greatest nourishment for mental growth was curiosity. In fact, it seems that I was born with a curious personality. There is little hesitation in learning or trying something new. I was so curious about the world that as soon as I became an adult, I took a plane and traveled outside the country.
Because I am so curious about people’s lives, I have conversations with strangers without hesitation. I was so curious about spirituality that I studied religion, yoga, nature healing, and meditation. I am still very curious about how far human consciousness can reach. That curiosity is the fundamental energy that makes me still explore myself and continue to meditate.

Since I am curious, communicating with people is a really important part of my life. I really like listening to other people’s stories. I don’t just like it, but because I have a lot of curiosity, it’s really fun to listen to. I always want to know about this person. Each individual is like the universe. The process of telling my story and listening to the hearts of those who sympathize with me are part of meditation for me.
In the process of listening to others and communicating, I see myself.
Like that, I am also getting polished.

The result of communication is gratitude. The relationship with everyone around us is gratitude itself. People who become my teachers, people who love me, people I need to approach first, People who only give, people who only want from me.
Every relationship has a reason. It is up to me to realize the reason.
When it comes to being grateful, there is no unnecessary relationship.
Everyone is a gift and everything is alright just as it is.
The moment you realize that you are grateful, real mental growth takes place.
Eventually, the cycle of circulation turns and turns and It boils down to the value of mental growth.

The time to think about my important values is very important. In the end, as we live in this world I don’t think there isn’t anything more sad than doing something worthless. Knowing my worth, knowing the value of life, then wouldn’t it be possible to be happy no matter what I do? As you read this, you can also look back on your own mind and meditate.
As part of that, I hope you can take the time to think about the values that are most important to you.

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