What are some things you realize as you get older?

What are some things you realize as you get older?

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When I was young, I didn’t know how the world works due to lacking knowledge and experience, so I expected that I could become a wise and better person when I got older. As I get older, my knowledge and expertise become enriched, but on the other hand, it becomes difficult to start new things. I want to keep doing what I’m good at and familiar with, and I don’t want to do anything else. Fear of starting something new is also one of the reasons.

Recently, I realized how unconsciously I lived within my limits. In the digital age, a stable Internet supply is essential to do business without problems. A long time ago, I learned that I could connect hotspots through mobile phones in the event of a power outage or Internet problems. However, I did not find out what I should do to solve this problem. Therefore, there was always a problem of being unable to use the Internet when a power outage or Internet Wi-Fi problems occurred. In the meantime, more than a year has passed.

A few days ago, I searched the Internet to find out how to connect to a hotspot and went to a carrier to buy USIM and set it up, which means the problem is solved. It took only two hours to resolve it. I sighed with a short laugh. How pathetic I was.

I used to be proud of myself for overcoming limitations and solving difficulties or obstacles in life. But this incident made me realize how much I was trapped in the illusion of myself. I didn’t want to do anything else other than doing what I liked, what I was used to, and what I could do easily. I drew boundaries, saying, “Someone better than me will do it,” “I can’t do everything well,” and “It’s more efficient to do what I am good at.” But that wasn’t it. I can and must do everything well. From the world’s viewpoint, there are no limits. It is me who made them.

If you tie the young elephant to a stake with the rope, he will try to escape but finally gives up. Elephants don’t even try to run away from small stakes even if they grow up to be giant elephants. He lives without realizing that the rope is nothing to him.

After discarding the countless thoughts I had made, I realized that I was the one who lived to give in to a small stake. So I could be liberated from my limit. For me, meditation has brought about a truly remarkable change in life. This meditation is something that changes behavior. Nothing changes with just thinking. As your mind becomes clean and clear, you can act, and as you work, a visible change in life appears.

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world into a digital world, demanding a lot of change from us, and we have to catch up with this changing world. Now change is not a good thing but a necessity to survive. To change, I must abandon my complex mind and empty it so I can easily take on new challenges. Meditation will be an essential tool to make a better life in this era and awaken the giant inside me. Today, I take a step further into the world, finding and removing obstacles inside me. Thank you for reading it today. 🍁🌱🌸

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