What is the most inspiring story about not giving up?

What is the most inspiring story about not giving up?

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A friend said he was hungry, so I gave him a bread.

He said thank you, and took one bite.

Not long after, he complained again, saying he was still hungry.

I asked him why was he just holding the bread instead of eating it all.

He said he was disappointed that the first bite of bread didn’t fill him up.

He also said he doubts that the bread will fill him up even if he finishes it all.

I assured him that it is natural that he wasn’t full after taking just one bite of the bread,

that he will be satisfied once he finishes the bread.

He reluctantly took another bite and said with a sigh. “I am still hungry. Can anyone help me?”

He looked at me with envy in his eyes, seeing that I was not hungry, and asked me what was my secret to not being hungry.

I wanted to ask him, but held back my words:

‘Is it really that difficult to try and finish the bread as advised?’

‘Is it really easier to complain rather than to eat the bread?’

I couldn’t understand his nonsensical behavior but at the same time felt sorry to see him suffer.

It was then I realized that the reason why people live with their issues is not because they do not know how to resolve them, but because they would not take action to resolve the issues.

Everyone knows that if they learn and practice, they will become better at it. If they exercise, they will gain strength. If they take action toward their goal, they will achieve it. Everyone knows this. However, the key to success is not in the knowing, but in consistency.

In Korean proverbs, they say ‘A bite of bread cannot fill you up’, and ‘Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’.

It means that people are impatient and expect results without putting in the time or making the effort, which are needed.

People come to this meditation to get help, each with their own reasons.

This meditation is a place that helps people to discard their karma, habits, and body, which are the source of all the problems people have.

They will be guided step by step through the 7 levels of this meditation.

When people become free from karma, habits, and body, they can resolve all the issues they have been struggling with and achieve their goals because the root source of all their hardships have been eliminated.

Now, you may wonder who would not do this when this is such an amazing solution.

However, not everyone achieves this.

Even when they are given the method, people are not able to put in the amount of time and effort needed and practice with patience. They give up meditating mid-course when they reach their limit of tenacity.

This is because they have not discarded their karma, habits, and body. People do not know that it is because of their karma, habits, and body that they are negative, demanding, feel insufficient, lack patience and wisdom, and repeat the same mistakes.

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