Do you think a song could save someone’s life?

Do you think a song could save someone's life?

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Yes, I do 😊

When I was 10 years old, I saw a space-man-looking guy with spiky hair on the cover of a cassette.

“Who is that?” I thought.

You just looked so cool.

Like from another world.


Several years later I was playing in a band when my friend handed me a CD.

“Listen to this” he said.

Right from the start you sounded different.

Unique guitar sound, the drums, and then your voice…

It was like a lightning bolt through me.

I had to listen to your song again.


10 years on I was experiencing massive depression and anxiety.

With the same song on repeat.

I must have listened to it 1,000 times.

When the music stops, you sing the life-saving line:


Late one night when I was meditating intensively, a sudden feeling came over me.

Like a lightning bolt connection to heaven.

And in that moment, I knew you had died.

I prayed to God you be in Heaven.

Because you deserve to be there for making that song.

The song that saved my life.


2 days later my friend text me that you passed away.

But I already knew.

Before there was any media coverage about you.

With all my heart,

Thank you 🙏 David Bowie

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