Real life I found

Real life I found

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The emptiness, the gap that I felt within me caused me to seek for meditation. I have been deeply devoted into spirituality for more than a decade; reading the Bible, fasting and praying, the more I do all of these the more questions I encountered, some of them hard to answer.
I read many spiritual books, in which mostly they showed the benefits of Meditation. I came across different types of meditation, but they failed to quench the thirst totally.

On May 22, I made up my mind to search for local people who can smoothen my meditation journey. Indeed, I met people that sincerely and patiently assisted me. They taught me to discard all my life lived, which is karma, habits and body.

All along I thought I was vibrant, joyful and full of life, till I reach these amazing people, I did get the real experience of all these, felling so light like a feather, peace emanates from within. My perception towards life is changing drastically. The scriptures are so meaningful like never before.

I can’t for wait my completion time. I assured myself that I will endure unto the end, I will press on till I reach that mind; UNIVERSE MIND
This meditation is loaded with the entire life benefits.

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