what are the best techniques used to get a better quality sleep?

what are the best techniques used to get a better quality sleep?

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Lack of a better quality sleep or Insomnia has always been a major problem for most of us in this busy and ongoing world of internet and social media site. We have been very busy in our minds, always curious, wanting to connect with the world and not been left behind. Most of us want to stay relevant and constant engaging on social media, either commenting, liking, re-posting and sharing different posts. There is a fear of being alone and irrelevant.

Growing up, I was a person who wanted to be alert and always involved with my friends and relatives. I looked forward for new days, new friends and active socially involved🌻

When alone, I would fall into my dream land, imaging good stuffs happening in my life, thinking of the greater future full of everlasting love and laughter. I had huge imagination. I was always busy inside my mind 🌸

This brought a lot of anxious thoughts, worries and fear -I was on guard and very protective of myself and my future. I had this deep rooted fear which I never understood where it came from and always avoided it. These emotions and fear made it difficult to sleep well at night. My sleeping pattern was poor and unhealthy.

Every night before I slept, I would pray asked my God for protection from bad things, bad people, demons and you name it. I did not like to go to bed at all because I was always scared.

I would watch movies/series, play with my phone or day dream. My best hobby was day dreaming- building a lot of castles in my mind to avoid sleeping. I became very lazy and spend my time thinking and worrying. In stead of sleeping, I would play the scene of a film I have watched before in my mind, or imagine things I would like it to happen. I had a lot of anxieties and expectations.

There are many expert who talks about the most important habits one must practice in order to sleep well or to cure insomnia, example:

Be active during the day: engage yourself in different chores and activities will enable one to be tired and enhance or improved sleep.

Exercise daily; Experts/researcher have advised the importance of exercising( jogging, walking, yoga, running, gym, swimming and other more) regularly or in a daily basis could improve Insomnia or sleeping difficulties🌸

Meditation: It is has been scientifically prove that one who meditates regularly can improves their poor sleeping habits.

Today I will talk about how Meditation has change my poor sleeping habits to a better and healthy one. I remember the day I join meditation, I was very excited because I read a lot of its positive benefits. I was eager and looking forward to practice it. I wanted to get rid of my fears, anxieties and overthinking.

My meditation instructor told me that my mind is fake because it is made of pictures of my past events ( karma), habits (inherited from my parents and ancestors) and body.

She also added that my fear, anxieties, overthinking, questions and doubts comes from these pictures. So in order to set myself free, I was given a method that enabled me to discard/throw away my fake mind.

After meditating for a while now, I realized all my fears and anxiety were fake and false because they were just pictures 😇

I was living inside my mind world and I have been holding onto my mind, believing and protecting it. This brought a lot of suffering, anxiety, therefore I could not sleep well.

During the night, my mind couldn’t stop racing around, imagining things, worrying about the past and the future. I was very busy inside my mind. In order to avoid overthinking, I had to keep myself busy either watching movies/series till late at night and sometimes until in mornings. Sometimes I spent my nights chit-chat or talking over the phone for hours😥

After throwing away all of my fake mind, eventually my bad sleeping habits disappeared. Before sleeping, I meditate for five minutes and I slept like a baby🌿

Meditation has helped me to get rid of my overthinking and day-dreaming habits that made me not to sleep well which made me not active during the day. Now days, when I wake up, I take a long walks with my husband and sometimes my neighbor. After a walk, I make breakfast and snacks for my children to take to school. Lately, I feel very active and very light.

My mind is not racy anymore, when I feel like stressed and worry, I meditate and feel better. My nights are very calm and relaxed. Thank you to this amazing Meditation method that have changed my life 💚

I will share this video of how to clear your mind. I hope it helps you😁

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