I am very ugly. What can I do?

We look in the mirror every day and take pictures of ourselves in our minds. And you compare yourself to the people around you or to countless people appearing in the media. Who decides what is beautiful or ugly? The way I see myself is only my opinion, and the standard by which others judge […]
How does one overcome bad habits?

We live as slaves to many habits. We know that a habit is a pattern of behavior that is fixed by frequent repetition of behavior. To become free from the enslavement of this habit, we must first understand about it more deeply. What is habit? The habits we have are things we have accumulated through […]
What is the best thing you have ever done to achieve inner peace?

It may already be obvious to many of you, but meditation is the best way to achieve inner peace. I have always wanted to find inner peace in my life. It didn’t matter how much money I had, who I loved, or what I liked to do, I wasn’t happy because of the anxiety. So, […]
What can I do for a healthy skin?

If I use good cosmetics, will I have healthy and beautiful skin? Can healthy skin be inherited? To these questions, I will answer ‘partially correct’. And today I want to talk about how to have healthy skin, from a slightly different perspective. It is about ‘Mind’. Actually, I don’t have beautiful skin. But I am satisfied […]
What do you value most in your life and why?

I want to talk about the five values that made me who I am now, which are health, mental growth, curiosity, communication, and gratitude. It all started with health. I was born unhealthy and spent my childhood longing for healthiness. Such conditions have created a value system that runs through my entire life. When the body […]
Will we ever have world peace?

Wars have always existed in human history. In the time when I was born and growing up, there were only ideological conflicts, no major wars. However, studying history and watching civil wars and conflicts in other countries, I realized that the world is always under the threat of war. Therefore, I have always dreamed of […]
What is the difference between meditation and yoga?

The meaning of the word “yoga” is “to yoke or to join, to achieve the unification of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness and harmony between the mind and body. It means that the inner universal mind calms the agitation and escapes the external bondage. In this way, yoga is more than what we […]