What makes people charming?

What makes people charming?

According to experts- as a psychologist, Dr. Iris Pachler defined a charming person, “is someone who can be okay even when external factors, such as the surroundings and environment, are challenging and they’re able to find peace and strength from within and also have the ability to be flexible and accepting no matter the situation.” Experts […]

Why do people have difficulty accepting themselves,

Why do people have difficulty accepting themselves,

One day I was watching a Korean series ‘Home town Cha-cha-cha’- one scene caught my attention- sorry, spoiler alert. One of the main character in the movie, moved from Seoul to a small town where the natives where very close to each other. She believed she was smarter and better than everyone in that town. […]

Lately I haven’t been quite myself mentally,

Lately I haven't been quite myself mentally,

Lately I haven’t been quite myself mentally, and I’m looking into help options. Part of this is I get really anxious sometimes leading to panic attacks. I have had like one or two at school, any tips for if this happens again?   To be honest speaking, I have experienced anxious feelings through out my […]

what are the best techniques used to get a better quality sleep?

what are the best techniques used to get a better quality sleep?

Lack of a better quality sleep or Insomnia has always been a major problem for most of us in this busy and ongoing world of internet and social media site. We have been very busy in our minds, always curious, wanting to connect with the world and not been left behind. Most of us want to […]

What is kindness, does true kindness really exist?

What is kindness, does true kindness really exist?

What is kindness? kindness can be defined as an act of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Also, the act of kindness can be expressed through empathy, acceptance, kind gestures, thoughtfulness, the possibilities are entirely up to an individual. According to cognitive psychology, “cognitive kindness is a generosity of spirit toward others’ minds and one’s own […]

I have a short temper and it make me

I have a short temper and it make me

I have a short temper and it makes me unkind to the people close to me. I’ve tried to correct my behavior but to no avail. How can I better myself?   I know what you are going through because I have been wearing similar shoes in my lifetime. It is very easy to hurt […]

What is beauty?

What is beauty?

Many people define beauty differently according to their own experiences. According to Merriam -Webster “beauty is the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit”. Some philosopher such as David Hume said “Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It […]

How do we live today determine our path for our future?

How do we live today determine our path for our future?

Because I am living today, I will speak about today. I’d like to discuss something that’s going on today. I had a meeting with my clients and needed to book a few places for them to stay in. And for me, it was a fantastic moment. But later on, I noticed that all of the […]

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